In a few easy steps You can reserve accommodation for Your vacation from the comfort of Your home, from anywhere in the world. We will show You how to find and successfully reserve accommodation from our rich offer in 5 easy steps:
To easily find accommodation that suits You the best, You can use accommodation search engine on our web page. Search is possible by various criteria: availability, number of persons, destination, type of accommodation, category and price or any combination of these parameters.
If You can't decide, we have selected several groups of offers: luxury accommodation, budget accommodation, accommodation suitable for pets, accommodation with programs for children, accommodation with pool, wellness or other programs, as well as accommodation located very near the beach. To see our offers in more detail please use the menu located on the left.
To easily choose the accommodation that suits You the best, we have gathered and prepared a lot of information about the accommodation and its surrounding. For every accommodation object You will find a detailed description of characteristics and a large number of photographs. For every accommodation unit (rooms or apartments within the object) You will also find detailed prices for the unit. Choose the accommodation unit You wish to stay in, and click the „Availability and price calculation“ button to check for availability and the price for the selected time period.
Choose the time period of Your stay, and enter information about yourself, and other guests (first and last name, date of birth). If the selected accommodation unit is available, the system will calculate the final price with all discounts and/or additional payments, so You can avoid any discomfort with paying for additional services on the spot.
Depending on the chosen period, it is possible to reserve accommodation unit immediately on-line or only after the confirmation of availability from our operators (within 24h). When the system calculates the price, it will notify You if you can book the accommodation immediately, or you have to wait for the confirmation of availability from our operators.
If it is possible to book the unit on-line, You will be redirected to a secure page to make the payment. Only after the payment is made, Your reservation is valid.
If confirmation of availability from our operators is needed, You will receive the confirmation, or an alternative offer within 24 hours. After the payment is made, Your reservation is valid.
You can pay for the reservation with a credit card or bank transfer (click for our bank details) The bank transfer is not available if the beginning of Your stay is within 5 work days for payments from abroad, or 3 working days for payments within Croatia. If You are making a reservation 21 days or more from the date of your arrival, You can pay 30% to confirm the reservation, and 70% at least 21 days before arrival date. If Your arrival is within 21 days, You will need to pay the full amount to reserve the accommodation.
After the payment is made, You will receive the Voucher as a confirmation of Your reservation. On the Voucher are clearly shown:
1. Details of the reservation
2. Amount of services
3. Information about the booked accommodation unit (address and phone number)
All that remains is to give the Voucher, along with travel documents on the reception ...
By realizing the payment for the booking, the client certifies that he/she is completely familiarized with all the details and conditions under which the particular accommodation unit is offered. By realizing the payment, everything stated in these General Terms and Conditions, becomes a legal obligation of the client and of the Agency. all the conditions and terms specified in this contract become legal obligation of both the client and the Agency.